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Bookings cancelled 72 hours before start will be fully refunded Except for Deposit will not be returned, anything after that time will be forfeited. 



Show Up Films Studio requires a non-refundable deposit of 50% of the booking price to reserve any of our seven studios. Once a deposit is secured, your reservation will be placed on our calendar to hold the client’s date and time and a “Confirmation of Booking” will be sent to the clients email. The remainder balance will be due at the time of the booking before you enter facility

Cancellations and Date/Time Changes

The client can change the date of his/her booking up unto 7 days before their reserved date 5 days or earlier of the client’s reservation date the date of the booking is locked in and can not be changed. The start time of the booking can be changed up unto 48 hours before the booking, limited to availability. If the client takes possession of any studio before the reserved time, the client is responsible for paying for that time used. The time paid for starts and ends at the times reserved, not the time of arrival or early departure. Clients are also responsible for any over hours. If a client ends early, the booking will NOT be discounted to time used, the full amount of the reserved time is due as well as any overages.


Deposits paid to Show Up films studios are NON-REFUNDABLE. Show Up requires a deposit to ensure the validity of the clients booking and to protect SSA from turning other potential clients away from any particular date. To reserve a date and time, a minimum deposit of 50% of the studio price is required. However if a client pays more than 50% or pays in full, that amount is considered the deposit amount and again is NON-REFUNDABLE.


Props are NOT included with the studio rental rate. We rent to the client only what is needed for their production. If a client just needs the studio, we don’t want to charge them for Props. All  props are rental items and can be added to any booking at any time based on availability. ALL PROPS Require a $300 Hold Fee until item is returned For Complete list of Props click here.

Overage and Overtime

If the client runs over the time they booked, the price for each hour is the hourly rate for that particular studio. Overtime is subject to availability. Payment for any equipment rented onsite is due at the time of the booking.

Damage and Studio Cleanliness

The client accepts responsibility for any and all damage to the walls, floors, equipment, fixtures, appliances, couches, props and anything housed or affixed on or inside the studio during the time of their booking. The client is responsible for REPLACEMENT OF ANY EQUIPMENT MISSING OR DAMAGED.

The client is also responsible for returning the studio to the same condition as it was at the beginning of their rental. Show Up Films Studios will accept responsibility for cleaning the floors (mopping and sweeping), and light cleaning after the client’s booking has ended. All trash is to be placed in the receptacles by the client and/or production crew.

A $100 excessive clean up fee will be applied to the clients bill if the studio is not returned to an acceptable condition.


The client is responsible for payment of any of the studio areas (dressing rooms, private talent loft, other studio areas not booked) that he/she takes possession of but was not reserved in the original booking.

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